Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The experience in my life.

I am a village boy.First education and now still education in outsider from my country.I wish to share my experiences perhap better so on.The journey after finished my school in my city, i am applied a teacher occupation.My first country is a sabah located in tawau town.Three year in tahat city, i transfered in kota kinabalu town for three year again.More experience when we stay at another country with variable culture.Happy and lucky with experience,sometimes want to change another country.Although we must believe because the carrrier not still yet.Posted in peninsular between my country is a choice,That's a perak country.

Especially in perak, i stay beside seashore and life with fisherman communities.This my best chance to know about background of fisherman. Strive and survive to improve a standard for their life when they described their occupation daily.Oh! wonderful of human being creatures from god.We must remember ,the life is more varieties people to think.Mind will become active when we thinking about it.More strategies and tacticles to interest the pupil in education.Less information knowledge and become from low income background family,indeed must be more approvement to handle with them.

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